Getting a credit card is a tough decision to make and tougher to choose a credit card issuer among various issuers. HDFC Bank is one of the leading credit card issuers in the Indian market. It has a wide range of credit cards covering every category that a customer can possibly ask for. We have covered the top two credit cards by HDFC Bank in this article, namely, HDFC Regalia and HDFC Diners Black credit cards. Here below are the key features and benefits of these two credit cards in order to make you understand how are they different from each other. Keep reading to kick start your research.
This credit card is one of the famous credit cards offered by the HDFC Bank. With an HDFC Regalia credit card, you get to enjoy the shopping as well as travel benefits along with the other features and benefits. Here are the key highlights of this credit card.
Joining fee: Rs. 2,500 plus applicable taxes
Renewal Fee: Rs. 2,500 plus applicable taxes
Spend-based Waiver: The renewal fee will be waived off on spending Rs. 3 lakhs in the previous year.
This one is a super-premium credit card offered by the HDFC Bank. You get to enjoy the shopping, travel, and dining benefits, and moreover low finance and foreign markup charges on the HDFC Diners Black credit card. Hereunder are the prominent features and benefits of this credit card.
Joining fee: Rs. 10,000 plus applicable taxes
Renewal Fee: Rs. 10,000 plus applicable taxes
Spend-based Waiver: The renewal fee will be waived off on spending Rs. 5 lakhs in the previous year.
To conclude, both credit cards are commendable. Analyze your spending habits and needs and then choose a credit card that matches them. In order to keep enjoying their features and benefits remember to adhere to the credit card repayment cycles and maintain a low credit utilisation ratio.
Additional Reading - How To Choose The Right Credit Card For You?